Daily Archives: July 26, 2016

Card Night 26-Jul-2016

Unfortunately it was a night of mistakes.

First, on a hand of Bingo, Jeff realized he had failed to discard one of his cards.  He noticed his mistake about midway through the hand, and it actually ended up saving him money, because even if he had discarded correctly, he would have continued to showdown and lost.

Second, at the end of another hand of Bingo, Jeff (low) and Bill (high) were preparing to split the pot.  Then Jeff noticed that Bill had failed to discard a 9 in his hand.  (A 9 was one of the last two cards to be revealed on the board.)

Finally, yet again on Bingo, it came down to Chris (five cards) and Miguel (one card) at showdown.  Chris inadvertently put only one chip in his fist (indicating a declaration of low), and Miguel scooped the pot.

 Mark D  +$13.00  ON TIME
 Mary  ‑$96.00  98
 Bill  ‑$78.00  ON TIME
 Chris  ‑$69.00  5
 Jeff  +$116.00  1
 Miguel  +$97.00  26

Jackpot is now $33.00.

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