Monthly Archives: January 2014

Card Night 30-Jan-2014

Chris had his best Card Night ever, pocketing $186.00.  He got off to a great start, but then Lyndon showed up as a last-minute player and Chris was forced to switch seats.  Instead of just moving to a new chair, Chris wisely took the chair he was sitting in to his new location, thus insuring continued good luck.  Well done!

Mark D +$86.00
Mary ‑$120.00
Bill ‑$88.00
Chris +$186.00
Jeff ‑$59.00
Lyndon ‑$39.00
Glen +$20.00

Jackpot is now $26.00.

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Filed under Card Night

Card Night 21-Jan-2014

Lyndon called a game tonight which he named Happy Omaha Hi-Lo.  It plays like Omaha Hi-Lo, except that anytime between the end of the pre-flop betting and the end of the pre-turn betting, a player may buy an extra card for however much that player has contributed to the pot so far.  Before the turn is revealed, all players who have bought an extra card must discard one card.  The game then plays out just like regular Omaha Hi-Lo.

Sort of strange, but it played well.  Enough so that Jason and Glen both called it when it was their turn to deal.

Lyndon certainly liked Happy Omaha Hi-Lo as he ended up making a king-high straight flush during Jason’s deal to collect his biggest jackpot payout ever: $42.25.

Mark D +$116.00
Mary ‑$45.00
Lyndon ‑$1.00
Jason ‑$83.00
Glen +$47.00

Jackpot is now $12.00.


Filed under Card Night

Card Night 16-Jan-2014

Miguel called a round of Seven-Card Stud Roll Your Own.  In this game, players determine which cards will be their up cards, and which cards will be their hole cards.  Initially each player receives three down cards.  On the dealer’s signal, each player flips one of his cards up, constituting his first up card.  After a betting round, each player receives another down card.  Once again on the dealer’s signal, each player flips up one of his three down cards, constituting his second up card.  This continues until each player has four up cards.  The seventh card is then dealt down and stays down.  The game plays according to standard Seven-Card Stud rules.

Because players determine which up cards they’re going to reveal, they are able to disguise the strength of their hands better than they could in regular Seven-Card Stud.

On one hand, it came down to just Jason and Miguel.  Neither one was showing much on the river; just king-high for each of them. But again, in this game, it’s easy for players to disguise their hands.

Jason, who had been betting each street, bet again.

Miguel said, “I’m going to call to keep you honest.”

Jason said, “Good call,” and turned over only king-high.

Miguel then turned over his cards.  He also only had king-high.  But he had Jason out-kicked.

Miguel had called with just king-high, and he scooped a modest pot.

Mark D ‑$10.00
Mary ‑$151.00
Chris ‑$15.00
Jeff +$20.00
Jason +$69.00
Miguel +$70.00
Glen $0.00

Jackpot is now $46.00.

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Filed under Card Night

Card Night 09-Jan-2014

Every once in awhile a player has a night where he can do no wrong.  Tonight that player was Bill.  He seemed to win every pot, especially when it came to scooping in Omaha Hi-Lo.  Bill was the only winner tonight, pocketing $155.00.

Chris hit his first jackpot tonight when he flopped quad 10s in Omaha Hi-Lo: $22.50.

Some stats for 2013:

Glen was the big winner once again: +$1,020.00.

Jeff (+$576.00) and Miguel (+$279.00) had their best years ever.

Lyndon (-$697.00) and Jason (-$761.00) had their worst years ever.

We only had 41 Card Nights in 2013, our fewest for any calendar year.  A big reason for that was the virtual loss of two of our most reliable players, making it impossible to fill a table some weeks.  Paul only attended once in 2013, while Mike Stefanidis only attended four times.

Mark D ‑$8.00
Bill +$155.00
Chris ‑$123.00
Jeff ‑$4.00
Glen ‑$17.00

Jackpot is now $29.00.

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Filed under Card Night