Daily Archives: July 19, 2016

Card Night 19-Jul-2016

Once all the cards had been dealt to players on a hand of Bingo, Jeff turn over his hand to reveal four 4s and an 8 kicker for jackpot.  However, when you’re dealt four of a kind in Bingo, you don’t need to show your cards right away, and you MUST play the game to the end.  (It’s only when you’re dealt a straight flush in Bingo that you show your cards immediately for jackpot, and then you don’t have to actually play the game.)

In any event, Jeff was still entitled to jackpot.  However, he had to play the game till the end…and everyone knew exactly what he had.  If he hadn’t shown his hand, he would have ended the game with at least four cards, and would have had a good chance of winning high.  But since he had shown his hand, everyone knew that he was going to end the game with a total of either 24 (with the 8) or 16 (without the 8).

An 8 was one of the first two cards revealed on the board, so now everyone knew Jeff was going to finish the game with 16.  With this knowledge, Jerry stayed in the game much longer than he normally would because he had 16 beat for high.

But the story had a twist ending when Chris ended up getting rid of all his cards for Bingo!

  • Chris scooped the pot.
  • Jeff won a $51.00 jackpot.
  • Jerry lost more than he would have had he not known what Jeff’s cards were.

Jerry was the only loser tonight.  It’s the tenth time in recorded Card Night history that there was only one loser on the night.  In every one of those cases (including tonight), at least one person won jackpot.

 Jerry  ‑$201.00  7
 Mark D  +$89.00  ON TIME
 Bill  +$21.00  1
 Chris  +$24.00  7
 Jeff  +$41.00  2
 Glen  +$101.00  18

Jackpot is now $16.00.

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