Card Night 04-May-2010

Paul scooped the pot on a hand of Texas Hold ’em Hi-Lo Declare.  Once he had collected all his chips, Bill looked down and said, “Hey!  Where are the chips I declared with?”

Bill claimed that he had used one red chip ($5) and two white chips ($1 each) to declare which way he was going in his losing bid to win part of the pot, and that now the chips were missing.  Since the chips were gone, it was possible that Paul had inadvertently scooped them up when he won the pot.

Paul took one red chip and two white chips out of his rack and was ready to hand them over to Bill when Bill reached into his own pocket and said, “Now, what are these?”  Bill pulled three chips out of his pocket!  For some reason he had stuffed them in there after he’d used them to declare.  And they were two red chips and one white chip, instead of the other way around as he’d claimed.


Phil set a new personal record for himself by winning for his fourth Card Night in a row.

No one has won jackpot for four weeks now, the first time that’s happened since June of last year.  It now stands at $83.00.

Mike has promised that next week he will provide analysis of the data he’s been keeping on how likely a player is to win or lose in a certain seat at the Card Night table.  (Recall that his hypothesis was that players tend to win when they sit on the west side of the table and lose when they sit on the east side.)  Exciting!


Mark D +$46.00
Mary ‑$1.00
Paul +$28.00
Phil +$11.00
Bill ‑$61.00
Jason ‑$96.00
Mike S +$49.00
Glen +$7.00

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Filed under Card Night

One response to “Card Night 04-May-2010

  1. Miguel

    Are you telling me that someone has been compiling data on seat locations? It’s easy enough to see the cash totals but in which database are the seat locations saved? I’m more interested in this statistic than in the 2010 US Census.

    As for the declare, I think cardnight should provide a little pile of those shiny beads you can buy at the craft store. They are smooth, pleasing to the touch and can be rubbed in your (hidden) hand to make a satisfying squeak or shaken to make a nice rattle. Best of all, they carry no inherent cash value. I’ll bring some to my next cardnight. Just don’t use them to mark game legs.

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