Daily Archives: September 5, 2017

Card Night 05-Sep-2017

Glen had a couple of rough hands tonight.

At showdown on a hand of Wild Cards Going Both Ways, it was down to just Glen and Mark DeVol.  When it came time to declare, Glen thought for a while and ended up going both ways with the steel wheel (A♠2♠3♠4♠5♠).  Mark turned over his hand and announced, “Quad 5s.”

Glen was about to scoop the pot when Mark looked down at his hand again and said,  “Wait, sorry Glen, I’ve got a 9-high straight flush.”  Mark ended up scooping the pot since Glen’s straight flush was lower.

On a wild hand of $2 Criss-Cross Roll ’em, Glen looked down at trip aces.  He was guaranteed to end up with at least quad aces, thanks to the wild card that would eventually show up in the middle of the board.  He bet, and was raised by Jerry.  They ended up capping the betting, with Mary along for the ride.

Glen and Jerry capped the betting every single round, resulting in the biggest pot we’ve ever had for Criss-Cross Roll ’em.  At showdown, all three players declared high!  Mary had four kings, Glen had his guaranteed four aces…and Jerry had a straight flush!  He had initially been dealt 4♦5♦7♦8♦.  Jerry scooped a huge pot at the expense of Mary and Glen.

 Bill  ‑$20.00
 Chris  +$24.00
 Glen  ‑$106.00
 Jerry  +$158.00
 Mark D  +$203.00
 Mary  ‑$271.00

Jackpot is now $45.00.

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