Card Night 16-Aug-2016

Miguel was the “big” winner tonight, recording a $35.00 profit.  That’s the lowest since 07-Jul-2011 when Phil was the big winner, taking home $22.00.

Miguel called a Texas Hold ’em version of Blind Man’s Bluff.  Each player put one of his hole cards on his forehead so that he could not see it, but all other players could.  Players were then allowed to look at their remaining hole card.

It was actually pretty fun and played well.  As Glen put it, it was basically a one-hole-card version of Hold ’em where you might make a better hand than you expected.

 Mark D  ‑$1.00  ON TIME
 Bill  ‑$39.00  ON TIME
 Chris  ‑$43.00  ON TIME
 Miguel  +$35.00  ON TIME
 Glen  +$24.00  ON TIME

Jackpot is now $96.00.


Filed under Card Night

2 responses to “Card Night 16-Aug-2016

  1. Miguel

    The one-hole Texas Hold’Em plays better when the weather is cooler and our foreheads are not sweaty!! But that’s the advantage of plastic cards; you can wipe ’em clean. Yuk.

  2. Miguel

    I also enjoyed one-hole Texas Hold’Em because you could immediately see 4-5 other cards exposed (on people’s foreheads). If my hole card is an ace but I see another ace exposed, I immediately folded. Too bad if you were holding the other ace on your own forehead !!

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