Card Night 19-May-2011

Miguel was the big loser tonight, although it was only a $44.00 loss.  It’s the first time Miguel was the big loser for the night.

Miguel called a round of 3-5-7, a Guts/Challenge-type game where 3s are wild on the three-card round, 5s are wild on the five-card round, and 7s are wild on the seven-card round.

We’ve played 3-5-7 before, but not very often.  (Mike Stefanidis won jackpot with a straight flush on a round of 3-5-7 back on 27-Dec-2005.)

Paul called a round of Four-Three, but without Mary or Bill in attendance, the pot never grew above its initial amount.

Mark D +$10.00
Paul +$40.00
Phil +$2.00
Jeff +$38.00
Lyndon ‑$25.00
Miguel ‑$44.00
Mike S ‑$9.00

Jackpot is now $52.00.

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Filed under Card Night

One response to “Card Night 19-May-2011

  1. Miguel

    I had the singular honor of exhausting my roll before the button ever came to me!! But thanks to a late infusion of cash, I was able to play the 3-5-7 and hold on until the end of the night.
    Speaking of 3-5-7 I really liked the “chip-in-hand” that means you are staying; this is tons better than doing the 1-2-3-drop that gets many players in trouble. A few times, we had to force a player to stay due to a 1-2 second delay in the drop. Of course, they had imbibed heavily so it is understandable.
    A further sign of the effect of spirits: that same person kept on asking “What card is wild?” To which we kept answering “Count the cards in your hand.”

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