Card Night 13-Jul-2010

Mark DeVol told Mike Stefanidis that if Mike were to host a poker tournament, Mark would run the entire thing without playing in the tournament himself.  That would allow Mike to play in the tournament in a relaxing, enjoyable way.

Moments later at showdown in a hand of Texas Hold ’em, Mary and Paul turned over their hands to reveal the same two pairs.  Mark announced that Mary had won the pot with a bigger kicker than Paul’s.  However, it turned out that a queen on the board was actually the kicker that played for both Mary and Paul, and the two of them split the pot.

Mark’s egregious error called into question his ability to run an entire poker tournament.

While we were watching the All-Star Game, Paul predicted that in ten years there would be “no baseball.”  Mike suggested a wager between Paul and himself to test that claim.  Paul declined.

The flop on a hand of Omaha Hi-Lo came all hearts with no low cards.  Mike bet, and uncharacteristically everyone else folded.  Mike let out a groan.  He had made a flush, but was also on a straight-flush draw.  Rabbit hunting revealed that he would have made that straight flush and won jackpot (which would have amounted to about a $40.00 payout).


Mark D +$56.00
Mary ‑$42.00
Paul +$42.00
Phil ‑$44.00
Lyndon ‑$43.00
Mike S +$11.00

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Filed under Card Night

One response to “Card Night 13-Jul-2010

  1. Miguel

    Interesting bet, but unnecessary. We all know that baseball stops playing in 2042 (see Star Trek: Deep Space Nine “The Emissary”) when the Tokyo Giants play to a nearly deserted stadium during the World Series and herald the end of the game.

    Captain Sisko lives to see this game recreated in the 23rd century as a fan of a long-dead sports pasttime and keeps a signed baseball on his desk as a remembrance.

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