Daily Archives: June 24, 2008

Card Night 24-Jun-2008

Two new players, Greg and Violet, joined the game tonight, giving us a solid seven players.

Greg got a rude introduction to the game as his aces were cracked when Bill spiked a queen on the river in Texas Hold ’em to give him a set.

Greg called Low Chicago, a Seven-Card Stud game where whoever has the lowest spade in the hole gets half the pot.  At the end of the hand, it was just Paul and Mike.  Mike ended up winning with the high hand, and Paul won with the lowest spade in the hole.  As they were splitting the pot, Mary said, “Oh, high hand gets paid too?”  She had misheard the explanation of the game and had thought that the lowest spade down got the whole pot.

Early in the night, Bill called Paul a “lucky ass,” and he wasn’t kidding.  Paul went home with a healthy $103.00 win.

Violet brought some Doritos called “The Quest,” a new flavor where you’re supposed to figure out what they taste like.  They pretty much grossed everyone out.   (According to some posts on the Internet, the flavor is Mountain Dew!)


Mark D +$5.00
Mary ‑$48.00
Greg ‑$76.00
Paul +$103.00
Bill +$20.00
Violet +$28.00
Mike S ‑$34.00

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