Jackpot Rule Change?

So, it’s no secret that since we’ve been playing Omaha regularly, the frequency of jackpot wins has gone up dramatically, resulting in smaller jackpot wins in general. Gone are the days of jackpot reaching $100.00 or more.

I propose that we change the jackpot rules so that in the case of Omaha, a player can only win the four-of-a-kind jackpot if he’s playing two of the four-of-a-kind in his hand and the other two from the board. This would eliminate jackpot wins on those times where three of the four-of-a-kind are on the board and only one is in the player’s hand.

Fewer jackpot wins, bigger jackpot payouts.

What do people think?


Filed under Card Night

5 responses to “Jackpot Rule Change?

  1. Mark D

    Yes. Let’s do it.

  2. Matt

    I believe 50% or more of the jackpots I saw won or won myself happened in Omaha in that exact scenario. Removing it as a possible Jackpot victory would go miles towards improving jackpot quality.

  3. Mary

    Sounds good to me!

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