Card Night 30-May-2023

On a hand of Queenie Baseball, Jack was dealt a 3 as his first upcard, but he chose not to pay to make it wild. His plan was to just fold. However, his 3 turned out to be the lowest card showing, so he had to make the bring-in bet. No one completed the bet, and no one bet on the next several rounds, so Jack didn’t have a chance to fold. To make it “worse”, Jack was dealt a free wild card 9. He was starting to make a hand.

Punch line: Jack ended up making four of a kind, but he lost to Jeff’s straight flush. Had Jack paid to make that 3 wild at the beginning of the hand, he would have ended up with five of a kind and would have won the pot.

 Bill C  ‑$330.00
 Chris  +$104.00
 David D  +$87.00
 Glen  +$2.00
 Jack  ‑$125.00
 Jeff  +$120.00
 Jerry  +$110.00
 Mark D  +$16.00
Jackpot is now $43.00.

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