Card Night 19-Jan-2010

Ty called Seven-Card Stud Roll Your Own (where a player’s lowest hole card is wild and all like it), and Mike bet the maximum on each street after showing a 4 as a door card.  At the end, it was down to just Mike and Jason, and Mike had two 4s showing.  Mike bet, and Jason considered folding, but eventually called.

Jason won with a royal flush he didn’t know he had.

Ty ‑$26.00
Mark D ‑$37.00
Paul +$10.00
Phil ‑$5.00
Jason +$5.00
Miguel +$11.00
Mike S ‑$23.00
Glen +$48.00


Filed under Card Night

2 responses to “Card Night 19-Jan-2010

  1. miguel

    So glad that we play cards-read-themselves style. It is the utmost in card courtesy to see other players trying to make the best hand out of what you have. Of course, it doesn’t help when you misread your own hand horribly, play to the end, and cannot be helped by the cardnight solons.

    I misread a lot when I’m tired. What’s the longest cardnight that you folks ever played and how late did it end ?? I used to play a game ending at 2 or 3AM and it was tough. But at least it gave the drinking crowd a chance to catch up to the early-morning-tired crowd.

    • The longest we’ve played in recent memory was probably last year on January 2nd when we played for a little over five hours. The game broke up sometime after midnight but before 1:00 a.m.

      I play with some other friends where we go until 1:00 and sometimes 2:00 a.m. And back in the 1980s, we used to play till dawn, then go out for breakfast! (Those days are gone, I’m afraid. Or maybe I’m glad.)

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