Card Night 08-Dec-2009

Tonight was Paul’s birthday, so we celebrated by eating cupcakes and watching the Miser Brothers sing their theme songs from The Year Without a Santa Claus.  (Alernative Huyser Paul Huyser lyrics were sung in lieu of Happy Birthday.)

Unfortunately, it wasn’t a very happy birthday for Paul.  He was the big loser for the second Card Night in a row.

We ended up playing Razz for three rounds tonight.  (Razz is Seven-Card Stud lowball.)  Mark DeVol called it early on when we were short-handed, and it proved so popular that Mary and Glen called it as well.

Mark’s “goofy” games this week were Seven-Card Stud Roll Your Own and Stud 8.

In Seven-Card Stud Roll Your Own, players choose each of their four up cards from among three hole cards.  At showdown, a player’s lowest hole card is wild, and all like it.

Stud 8 is simply Seven-Card Stud where the high hand splits with the low hand.  However, only hands that are 8-high or lower qualify for low.

Phil had a question for Paul about Uncle Ike.  At Mike and Lynn’s wedding, Ike had told Phil that any time he drove to Texas, he would follow his mother’s advice: He stopped every two hours to take a break, and he ate all his meals standing up.  Phil wanted to know if Ike really did that.  Paul could neither confirm nor deny.


Mark D ‑$29.00
Mary +$33.00
Paul ‑$69.00
Phil +$32.00
Jason ‑$20.00
Glen +$34.00

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