Card Night 10-Oct-2006

Tonight’s highlights:

  • The poker play was atrocious, but what’s new?
  • Mary (83) has now attended more Card Nights than Frank (82).
  • Bill continued his big year of jackpot wins recording his seventh for 2006.
  • A good deal of the conversation during the night was spent mispronouncing the word “height.”  For some reason, people felt compelled to add a “th” sound on the end.
  • There was talk about which word evokes fecal matter more: dung or turd.  A consensus could not be reached.
  • Paul refused to deal until he was invited to do so by the other players.  He would just sit there motionless with the deck in front of him until someone said something like, “Paul, we invite you to deal the next hand.”
  • Also, Paul (by his own admission) was only able to deal two cards at a time.  If a game (such as Omaha) required four cards be dealt to each player, he would first deal two, then go through a re-energizing stage during which the power pack in his brain would emit a high-pitched whine similar to that of a camera’s flash battery.  Then he would deal the remaining two cards.
Mark D ‑$14.00
Mary ‑$25.00
Mark H ‑$51.00
Paul +$18.00
Warren ‑$79.00
Bill +$36.00
Mike S +$119.00

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